Downtown St Catharines, Niagara, Canada since 1992.
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As an independent bike-shop in Niagara, our mission is to serve the local cycling community. We believe bicycles offer fitness, friendship, sport, and transportation; They represent a simple technology that can make the world a better place. We are pro-bike, pro-bike-lifestyle, pro-bike-infrastructure, and fundamentally pro-Canada. Support our local small-business so we can support you. Help us spread the love.
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La Vuelta a EspaƱa is Spain's Pro Tour multi-stage race. Every August, inside the peloton, it's hard to miss bikes from Spain's Basque Country bike manufacturer, Orbea. In this testing ground Orbea builds its world-class UCI calibre bicycles -- Road, Off-Road, and Gravel.
Store Hours Mon-Fri: 10-6Saturday: 12-5
Phone Toll Free: 1-877-997-3325 Local: 905-682-1454
Free Delivery for Trainers and Rollers!
Psst! Liberty! Bicycles origin story.
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Now's the time for pre-season bike service. Arrange a tune-up today!
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Liberty! Bicycles
2 Bond Street, St CatharinesL2R4Y9, ON, Canada
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905-682-1454 (Toll-Free 1-877-997-3325)
Store Hours
Mon-Fri: 10-6Saturday: 12-5